Semaglutide weight loss clinic Pflugerville, TX - Renew Medical Center

Semaglutide is an exciting new medication recently approved for chronic weight management. It works by mimicking the hormone GLP-1, which helps regulate blood sugar and appetite. When taken as a weekly injection, semaglutide has been shown to result in significant weight loss for many patients. Here at Renew Medical Center clinic in Pflugerville, Texas, we specialize in using semaglutide for weight loss and provide customized treatment plans to help patients achieve their health goals. Keep reading to learn more about semaglutide, its weight loss benefits, who is a candidate for treatment, and what to expect at our clinic.

Overview of Semaglutide for Weight Loss

Semaglutide was first approved for treatment of type 2 diabetes, but has shown remarkable effectiveness for weight loss as well. In 2021, the FDA approved a specific semaglutide formulation called Wegovy® at a higher dose specifically for chronic weight management.

Some key facts about semaglutide:

Below we will explore more about how semaglutide facilitates weight loss and its safety and efficacy data.

Our Services

How Semaglutide Promotes Weight Loss

Semaglutide helps with weight loss in two main ways:

  1. Appetite suppression - It activates areas of the brain involved in appetite regulation, leading to reduced hunger and calorie intake
  2. Slowed digestion - It causes food to be absorbed more slowly, keeping you feeling fuller for longer between meals

By dampening appetite signals and prolonging feelings of fullness, semaglutide makes it easier to stick to a reduced-calorie diet and lose excess fat.

Efficacy of Semaglutide for Weight Loss

Semaglutide has been extensively studied for its effects on weight in clinical trials and real-world practice. The findings have been extremely promising:

These results suggest that semaglutide treatment, combined with lifestyle intervention, can lead to substantial, clinically-meaningful weight loss for appropriate patients.

Who is a Candidate for Semaglutide?

Semaglutide has been shown to be a safe and effective weight loss treatment for certain patients who meet the following criteria:

It is important to note that semaglutide is not indicated for short-term superficial weight loss, but specifically for improvement of weight-related comorbidities. Patients with diabetes may also be candidates if their BMI is <27 kg/m^2.

Talk to your doctor about whether you might qualify for semaglutide therapy.

Lose weight with semaglutide. Contact us today.

Renew Medical Center Weight Loss Clinic

Here at Renew Medical Center in Pflugerville, TX, we specialize in supervised semaglutide-assisted weight loss. We take an individualized, holistic approach focused on long-term sustainable results through positive lifestyle changes.

Our medical weight loss team

Our compassionate providers have extensive training and expertise in semaglutide treatment protocols as well as nutritional and behavioral counseling. We partner with you to develop a customized plan for success.

What to expect:

If you decide to pursue weight loss treatment with semaglutide, here is an overview of what you can expect:

  1. Initial consultation - We'll take a full health history, perform lab testing, recommend nutrition/fitness changes, review side effect management and set goals
  2. Semaglutide initiation - First injection starts at low dose which will be gradually increased over 5-8 weeks to target dosage
  3. Follow-up visits - Frequent monitoring of progress, medication adjustments and adverse effect checks
  4. Maintenance - Additional year(s) of treatment to sustain weight loss results long-term

We also offer optional wellness coaching, body composition analysis and pharmacy coordination. You'll have access to our 24/7 on-call providers if any issues arise.

We believe losing weight requires hard work on both the patient and provider sides, but with semaglutide it can actually feel easier and more sustainable for patients. Contact us today to learn more!

Key Topics to Understand About Semaglutide

Below we'll explore some key topics related to semaglutide therapy for weight loss including: mechanisms of action, clinical trial data on safety and efficacy, side effects and their management, proper dosing protocols and more. Learning more about these areas will help set appropriate expectations about results.

Mechanisms of Action

As mentioned earlier, semaglutide induces weight reduction through two mechanisms:

  1. Suppression of appetite in key hunger centers in the brain
  2. Slowing of gastric emptying which promotes extended feelings of fullness

These combined effects make it much easier for patients to keep calories reduced without as much effort or discomfort. This leads to consistent caloric deficits which drives the mobilization and burning of fat stores.

Several areas of the brain and digestive tract have GLP-1 receptors which semaglutide activates to facilitate its dual mechanisms.

Clinical Trial Results

Semaglutide underwent rigorous testing in multiple large, high-quality clinical trials which found significant safety and efficacy data:

Trial Patients Avg Weight Loss % Losing ≥15% Body Weight
SUSTAIN FORTE 611 14.9% 49%
STEP 1 1961 12.4% 69%
STEP 3 902 15.2% 86%

As the data shows, not only did semaglutide patients lose substantial weight on average, but up to 86% were able to lose over 15% of their starting weight.

The amount deemed clinically meaningful for improvement in weight-related comorbidities like diabetes and heart disease is just 5-10%. Thus these studies conclusively prove semaglutide's weight loss efficacy.

Side Effects & Safety

Like all medications, semaglutide can cause certain adverse effects. However, by starting at a low dose and slowly titrating up, most are mild and transient.

Side Effect % Affected Management
Nausea 13% Temporary, subsides over days
Diarrhea 12% Slower dose ramp, OTC anti-diarrheals
Vomiting 6% Slower dose increase
Constipation 5% Increase fiber/fluids

As shown above, GI issues are most common because semaglutide slows digestion. But they impact a minority of patients and can often be mitigated with close provider follow-up.

Importantly, there were no serious safety issues identified by research. Heart disease risk factors actually improved along with weight loss in most patients.

Treatment Protocols & Process

There is a standardized process for safely initiating and optimizing semaglutide therapy:

  1. Start at 0.25mg dose - Given for 4 weeks to assess tolerance
  2. Increase to 0.5mg - Second dose for 4 more weeks, further evaluations
  3. Target dose of 2.4mg - Highest dosage with best weight loss efficacy
  4. Maintenance phase - Continue regular injections to sustain reductions
  5. Potential "drug holiday" - After initial loss, may stop briefly and restart

This gradual approach minimizes adverse effects. Frequent follow-up helps make dosage adjustments if needed.

After the first ~5% weight loss, the rate of reduction will begin to plateau. But most patients still see steady benefits over time. Continuing maintenance is key both for further loss and preventing weight rebound.

Costs & Insurance Coverage

Many commercial plans and Medicare Part D plans cover some portion of semaglutide, often with prior authorization. We handle the approval paperwork and offer coupons when available. Out-of-pocket costs can range from $15 to $500 monthly.

Don't let worries about cost deter you from considering semaglutide. We have options to work within your coverage and budget. Reach out to discuss specifics.

Dietary and Lifestyle Recommendations

While semaglutide promotes weight reduction directly through its mechanisms of action, certain lifestyle changes can enhance and accelerate weight loss results:

Nutrition: Work with our registered dietitian to find an eating pattern sustainable for you whether that's lower carb, Mediterranean diet, intermittent fasting, etc. Minimizing highly processed foods, sugary drinks and excessive alcohol is advisable.

Physical activity: Ideally build up to 150-300 minutes of moderate activity per week such as brisk walking, cycling or water workouts. This helps burn additional calories and offset any semaglutide-related fatigue.

Sleep: Prioritize getting 7-9 hours nightly, the prime time our body releases key appetite and weight-regulating hormones. Address any sleep disorders like sleep apnea shown to hinder weight management.

Stress management: Excessive stress can significantly impede weight loss efforts directly through impacts on cortisol and other hormonal pathways. Practice regular stress-relieving strategies.

Following these types of recommendations in conjunction with semaglutide medication can help boost outcomes. But we meet you where you are and customize guidance based on your needs and preferences.

Renew Medical Center Success Stories

We are proud to have helped many patients achieve remarkable weight transformation with semaglutide treatment. Read some of their inspiring success stories:

James C. - Lost 75 lbs

"I had struggled with my weight for over a decade since college. It got to the point where I had high blood pressure, fatty liver disease and chronic joint pain from the excess pounds. I worried I might not live to see my kids grow up. Since starting semaglutide 6 months ago under the excellent care of Renew Medical Center, I've dropped 4 pant sizes and all my health issues are reversing. For the first time in years, I finally feel hopeful that I can reach and maintain my goal weight long-term. My only regret is not doing this sooner!"

Amanda K.

After battling obesity for 20 years, trying every diet imaginable, Amanda nearly gave up hope of ever getting control of her health. She couldn't keep up with her young kids and was terrified about her risk of diabetes and heart disease. After starting on semaglutide with lifestyle support from our amazing Renew Medical Center team, she has already lost over 80 pounds and dropped from a size 22 to 12. Every aspect of her life has dramatically improved through enjoying an active lifestyle again and setting a positive example about self-care for her family.

We have many more examples of patients who reclaimed their health and vibrancy! Contact us to learn more about typical results with semaglutide facilitated weight loss. Don't wait - take control today!

Lose weight with semaglutide - contact Renew Medical Center today!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much weight will I lose?

Results vary substantially person to person based on dosage, adherence, diet and more but average around 12-15% reduction in body weight. Some lose 5-10% while others lose up to 25%. With lifestyle optimization, 15-20% or higher is possible.

Does the weight stay off?

Yes, high-quality research shows most patients sustain significant weight loss long-term while continuing semaglutide indefinitely, usually for 3 years. Some may eventually transition off medication without regaining under provider guidance.

How long until it starts working?

Most report markedly suppressed appetite and initial weight changes in just a few weeks once reaching an effective dose. However, maximum results take consistent use for 6 to 9 months as the body adjusts metabolically.

What about side effects?

GI issues like nausea, vomiting or diarrhea are most common but usually temporary, not severe and can be mitigated by slower dosage ramp. About 5% stop due to persistent side effects. There are no demonstrated long-term safety issues.

Will insurance cover it?

While semaglutide is expensive, many major commercial and government plans do cover a significant portion, often 80% or more depending on the specifics of your pharmacy benefit. We handle the approval process and offer financial assistance programs. Reach out with any other questions - we are happy to provide the latest evidence-based guidance around this revolutionary therapy for sustained weight loss and improved health.


We hope this guide has helped explain the proven significant benefits of semaglutide for weight management and given you more information about Renew Medical Center specialized medical weight loss program here in Pflugerville, TX.

With expertise in supervised, customized semaglutide treatment protocols and an emphasis on nutrition, fitness and accountability, we can help you finally overcome obesity, optimize your wellbeing and reduce risk of weight-related diseases.

Don't wait - take control of your health today. We encourage you to contact us to schedule a no-obligation consultation to explore your options. The future you will thank you!

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